
“A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

Breast Cancer Screening

While most women live in fear of breast cancer – what they don’t know it that mammograms are not the only game in town when it comes to breast cancer screening.   It is worth considering other non-toxic options – at least in conjunction with mammograms – which can detect cancer earlier.  Knowledge is power!!!


It’s a shame that more women don’t know about thermograms.  Breast thermograms can be done in 15 minutes are painless and radiation free.  What more could you ask for?  Using Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging – thermograms detect the subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology way before a mammogram would. Basically, thermograms detect heat -which indicates infection. Thermograms are a great option especially for younger woman or anyone with dense breast tissue (where mammograms aren’t as effective).  Thermograms can also detect other issues in your body for example jaw bone infections indicating dental issues.   Of course, anything proactive is not usually covered by insurance – but don’t let that stop you from taking charge of your health.  Check the resources section for where to get your thermogram.

Below is information that I recently read about.   Although I have no personal experience with either of these – it could be important information for woman who have had or are at risk for breast cancer.


It is fairly new and not yet widely used but some believe it can become the gold standard in breast cancer detection.  SonoCiné is an automated ultrasound tool that uses a computerized arm to look at the whole breast, from the midline to the back, including the armpit.  The benefit is that it is effective at finding small lesions/tumors and covers more area than a mammogram.  Its also painless and radiation free a great option for women with implants.  Ask your gynecologist about it – demand for it has to come from patients.  You can also check their website to find the nearest location where it is being offered.


ISET which stands for the Isolation by SizE of Tumor cells – is a blood test that looks for early signs of cancer. CCCs get into the bloodstream when tumors are in very early stages, tiny, and before they are detectable by imaging screening.  So, ISET can help detect invasive tumors at very early stages when we have a much better chance at a cure.  ISET can identify CCCs from all types of solid cancers, except for lymphoma. (It cannot be used for leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood.) While the source of the cancer cannot be identified positive test result indicates the need to monitor the patient more closely with other screening methods (like SonoCiné for patients at higher risk of breast cancer).  Presently ISET is mainly used to monitor the efficacy of treatments in patients who have already been diagnosed. It’s a good potential non-toxic screen option for people who are in remission and require regular screenings. It available mostly in Europe or medical prescription and costs over $2,000.  For more information check  www.isetbyrarecells.com


Breast Health


Do bras increase the risk of breast cancer?   I think the jury is still out on this but it is worth noting the following.  Among those who acknowledge the bra/breast cancer risk connection, it’s widely held that a tight-fitting bra restricts the lymph nodes around the breast and underarm area, preventing toxins from being processed through them and flushed out of the body. Accumulated toxins anywhere in the body increase the risk for cancer. Dr. Michael Schacter, MD, of the Schacter Center for Complimentary Medicine, explains it this way: “Over 85 percent of the lymph fluid flowing from the breast drains to the armpit lymph nodes. Most of the rest drains to the nodes along the breast bone. Bras and other external tight clothing can impede flow.” (from GOOP website)   

In recent years, yet another cancer-related concern has been raised about bras, particularly those with an underwire and their ability to magnify and sustain electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and radiation from things like cell phones and Wi-Fi. While the fact that your underwire bra could absorb and intensify radiation seems preposterous, it’s not as far-fetched as it sounds. (from GOOP website) My takeaway – minimize the amount of time you wear a bra and get rid of your bras that have underwire.


Iodine and vitamin D are both crucial to breast health and most people are low in both. Consider supplementing with Iodoral and vitamin D – and have your vitamin D blood levels checked (in the 60-70 range is ideal).


As I stated before – never underestimate the impact that teeth have on your overall health.  “Because cancer is a nasty microbe, it is quite possible that this microbe actually comes from the mouth in many cases.  A root canal literally creates a “safe haven” for microbes because the blood system, lymph system and immune system cannot reach, and thus cannot kill, any microbes which are living inside a root canal.” (from www.cancertutor.com/breast_cancer) As I stated in the Teeth section there are 8 teeth on the breast meridian.  If you have had any root canals you should consult with a biological dentist to see if there are any underlying infections.

Personal Care

Obviously, the less chemicals in your personal care products the better.  At a minimum focus on deodorant and toothpaste.

  • Deodorant – choose aluminum and paraben free. And yes – there are  natural deodorants that actually work. Native deodorant is a Fredette family favorite nativecos.com  another good option is Schmidts – www.schmidtsnaturals.com
  • Non-deodorant that acts like a deodorant? Check out AO Mist by Mother dirt – it’s a probiotic spray for your skin– people rave about it as a deordorant.  They have a great line probiotic skin and shampoo products – check out Mother Dirt motherdirt.com
  • Toothpaste – chose all-natural options such as baking soda, or my favorite is David’s toothpaste. davidsusa.com
  • Use the Skin Deep app from the Environmental Working Group to check the safety of the personal care products you are currently using.


Birth Control


Unbeknownst to most women are the adverse effects of birth control pills.  The Pill can damage gut flora resulting in an overgrowth of yeast and bad bacteria.  It affects other hormones in a negative way and depletes your body of nutrients.  In short, the pill whacks your body out.  It’s somewhat of a travesty when young girls are prescribed the pill for acne or abnormal periods – instead of addressing the root causes of these issues which are often gut related.  If you are on the pill please consider other methods of birth control and at a minimum take a probiotic to counter the negative effects on your gut.  Dr. Jolene Brighten has written about the many negative effects of the pill on your body and discusses other non-hormonal birth control options.

Birth Control — What Doctors Don’t Say About Birth Control Effects on Body


The Daysy Fertility Monitor

While I won’t go into all birth control options – I think the Daysy Fertility Monitor is something all women should know about.  The Daysy is a mini computer which tracks your cycle by you taking your temperature every morning.  Once enough data has been collected is gives you a fertile window including the earliest possible way to become pregnant – and is 99.3% effective.  Obviously it doesn’t protect against STDs – but it is a great non-hormonal option for some women. www.usa.daysy.me 



What determines the health of a baby?  We now know that nothing influences the future health of a baby more than the gut they are born with.  A healthy gut = a healthy brain.  A baby’s microbiome (the community of good bacteria we carry with us throughout our lives) is seeded at birth.  There are many factors that interfere with the microbial transfer from mother to baby – such as antibiotics, formula feeding, C-sections etc.  The healthier the mothers gut – the healthier the baby will be.  It used to be that women prepared their bodies for pregnancy – a tradition that has long been lost – but makes so much sense today.

Books worth reading:

  • Your Baby’s Microbiome: The Critical Role of Vaginal Birth and Breastfeeding for Lifelong Health By Toni Harman and Alex Wake
  • Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Childcare
  • The Better Baby Book by bulletproofs Dave Asprey & wife Dr Lana Asprey
  • Builds on the latest epigenetics research to help you produce a healthier, smarter, and happier baby with genes for lower risk of allergies, asthma, and developmental issues.Shares a specific prescriptive program based on four principles: eating the right foods; taking the right supplements; detoxifying before, during, and after pregnancy; and using new techniques to consciously control maternal stress. Demonstrates how a woman’s health and her environment during pregnancy may have a much bigger lifelong impact on her child than was previously thought. Includes the authors’ compelling story of developing the Better Baby Plan as they had their own better babies…